Good Morning...2015.07.31 01:30中の靴屋のお姉さん待ち。たくさんごはんもらって元気でいるんだよ〜〜〜The cute kitty looked like she was waiting for her human friend working at a shoe store would give her a b...
Maison Kitsune...2015.07.28 08:00メゾン・キツネ…失礼ながら、なんだそりゃ?状態でしたがかわいいのでゲット〜(メゾン・ネコならいいのにっ)予約したけど、普通に店頭にもあったよ。
Early Evening Meal...2015.07.27 07:00「打ち上げ」って単語は英語にはないのか…(゚o゚;;We went to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant to celebrate the success of the concert yesterday.
Cello & Piano...2015.07.26 04:00両方を同じ演奏会で弾くというのはなかなかないかも。。頑張りましょーI am going to play both cello and piano in a summer concert of my orchestra today which can't really be exp...
3yrs Anniversary...2015.07.21 14:00おシズさん、3回目のうちの子記念日!!受け入れてくれたさくらさんにも感謝。そのまま、付かず離れず、仲良くね。Today was 3 years anniversary since we welcomed Shizuku as a family member!!Thanks to ...